Very Eclectic » Artisans

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Photo of Very Eclectic

Very Eclectic

Contact: Lisa Michaels


“I’ve always been an avid knitter/crocheter. One day I realized I could dye and paint my own yarn. It was as simple as that! I only use the finest luxury and novelty yarns. Each skein is individually hand-painted in the same colors-ways found on my scarves. Then I was asked about patterns and kits. So I gave it a go. You will find simple one/two skein (knit and crochet) projects for each type of yarn, and every ability. You can buy the pattern, the yarn, and everything you need to complete the project.”

Along with yarn, patterns, and kits, you’ll find finished scarves, shawl pins, and buttons galore. The selection may indeed be very eclectic, but it is always the highest quality and most interesting designs.